In Ocean’s 11 (2001) a group of eleven men, gather together to rob a casino in Las Vegas. As a side note the Las Vegas Strip and pretty much everything that Las Vegas is known for is actually in Paradise, Nevada. Paradise is an unincorporated town, which allows the casinos to pay fewer taxes. The leader of the group (Ocean) is trying to get his ex-wife back from the man who runs the casino that the group is going to rob. This leads to a conflict between the group. While the majority of the group are only there for the heist, Ocean and his friend are there for the money and Ocean’s ex-wife. In the beginning the rest of the group does not know about Ocean’s secondary mission. Throughout the movie more people find out about it, until the problem comes to head and everyone confronts Ocean. Ocean’s motivations are pretty simple, he loves his wife and so he wants her back. The heist is a way for this to happen, while allowing him to mess with his wife’s current boyfriend. The rest ...
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