To me college is an investment. While I may have fun at college, make friends, and sometimes ignore classes. I am at college first and foremost to get a degree. There is ample evidence that a college degree will result in larger earnings throughout my life, and that it is a smart investment. I choose my major (economics) with this mindset. I wanted a major that I enjoyed, but I also wanted a major that I would be able to profit from throughout my life. This mindset also impacted what I did over the summer. I have taken summer school three out of my four summers, to be able to allow to me graduate this semester. I also worked at the same company for every one of those summers to build relationships. I have been lucky enough to be able to graduate without any debit. I say all of this to demonstrate that the last four years of my life has been to reduce income risk. I invested the last four years of my life into college as a way to try to improve my future. To achieve this, I have made t...