Summer internship
During a summer internship, I was on a team of 5 people including myself. We were hired to digitize paperwork that the company had in storage. The company was in construction and they had to hold onto the paper work in case of law suits. The company was moving which meant that we had to finish before the summer was through. We had to scan, name, and organize about 56 boxes in 13 weeks. This means that every week we had to do a little bit more than four boxes. When we were hired, our supervisor showed us the storage room with the boxes, explained how to label and save the documents in the computer, and how to scan the documents. After we scanned the documents we then had review the documents to make sure that they scanned correctly. If this was the case we were supposed to throw away the paper files. Every Friday our supervisor would count the remaining boxes, this was the only time that they would check on our progress. Occasionally an intern would be taken off sc...